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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I won't forget the tough first three weeks of June 2009. I got sick from some kind of virus that lasted close to 20 days. Actually high fever and laryngitis kept me on bed for the first ten days. This triggered my bronchitis and kept me out of bed for the next 10 days due to chronic coughing.

It was a blessing that my wife was a good nurse. She took care of me well. A few times I was burning hot and shaking all over due to chills. She washed me to cool me down and kept reassuring me that I will be okay. I tell you, in times like these, it is a great blessing to have someone on your side who cares.

The discomfort, aches and pain were not the only things that bothered me. It was my impatience. I am a person who hates being bogged down on bed. Whenever I get sick, I feel guilty for not being able to do my usual responsibilities as pastor, father, husband, cook, etc. The only advantage this gives me is that it forces me to think, especially my relationship with God and my love ones. It is ironic that those 20 days of illness were in many ways one of my best times this year. I had deep personal conversations with my God. I think God knows me very well. He knows that sometimes, it is only in sickness that He is able to talk me... and me listening to Him.

Busyness in life can become a curse worse that sickness. We get too busy with our pursuit of career, earning a living and daily routine, forgetting our need for prayer, bible study and meditation. And when our minds are too focused on other things instead of God, we get derailed. I don't think God wants us to get sick. He loves us and invites us to take part in that beautiful relationship with Him (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). But if it takes getting sick to get our attention, then that is good for us. He certainly woke me up and re-focused me on what really matters in life. Him.

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